Insuring Against Climate Risk in Kenya - Vincent Mutie Nzau on African Risk Capacity and Climate Risk Financing Initiatives

Posted on: By: arcuser
In a recent blog from the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), ARC focal point and senior economist in the National Treasury of Kenya, Vincent Mutie Nzau, explains the importance of disaster risk financing in drought-prone countries like Kenya. With average annual costs for drought damage in Kenya estimated at some US$1.25 billion, access to funding before and after disaster strikes is fundamental for reducing the impact of shocks for the most vulnerable. "Disaster risk finance takes many shapes in Kenya," says Nzau - one of those shapes is ARC.

Interviews with Mohamed Béavogui and Lars Thunell

Posted on: By: arcuser
In May 2017, ARC Agency and ARC Ltd attended the African Development Bank Annual Meetings to discuss the role of innovative finance in transforming agriculture into wealth creation in Africa. On the sidelines of panels and discussions, ARC Agency Director-General and Chairman of the Board of ARC Insurance Company Limited - Mr. Mohamed Béavogui and Mr.

Report from the Fifth Session of the Conference of Parties (CoP5)

Posted on: By: arcuser
The Conference of Parties is the supreme governing body of the African Risk Capacity (ARC) Agency, consistent of African Union member states that have signed the ARC Establishment Treaty and affirmed their belief in need for a pan-African solution to managing climate risk.

A tale of two droughts: one killed 260,000 people, the other none. Why?

Posted on: By: arcuser
[box type="shadow" align="" class="" width=""]Assia Sidibe, ARC Head of Goverment Services for West and Central Africa, published a piece in the Guardian illustrating how risk pools and insurance programmes like ARC can save hundreds of thousands of lives, especially as international aid funding grows uncertain and unsustainable. The text is reproduced below.
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