African Risk Capacity and AU Media Fellows: A Dynamic Collaboration for Climate Resilience

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In the world of climate change and disaster risk management, collaboration is key. On a Friday in October 2023, the African Risk Capacity (ARC) hosted and engaged in an insightful conversation with the second cohort of the African Union (AU) media fellowship. This meeting marked the beginning of what promises to be a productive partnership with a group of talented and dedicated journalists.


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New York, United States of America – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the African Risk Capacity (ARC) are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) aimed at strengthening cooperation in support of sustainable development and climate resilience across the African continent.

Amplifying gender in epidemic preparedness for improved health outcomes

Posted on: By: ARC-Comms

The 15th BRICS Summit held in South Africa just concluded, and it was apt that one of the side events, organized by the BRICS Business Council, Africa Centre for Disease Control and Africa Health Business was on pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery for health security. The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored a crucial lesson: adequate preparedness is paramount to a solid response for effective health outcomes.

The Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde becomes the 36th African Union member state to sign the ARC Treaty

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The Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde becomes the 36th African Union member state to sign the ARC Treaty to effectively address the impacts of extreme weather events and disease outbreaks


O Governo da República de Cabo Verde assina o Tratado ARC

Posted on: By: arcuser

Comunicado de Imprensa Oficial da ARC

O Governo da República de Cabo Verde tornou-se o 36.º Estado-Membro da União Africana ao assinar o Tratado da ARC para fazer face de forma eficaz aos impactos dos fenómenos meteorológicos extremos e surtos de doenças

The ARC Outbreaks and Epidemics product receives the ‘Closing the Gap Award’

Posted on: By: arcuser

On 27 April 2023, the ARC Group was honoured to receive the Closing the Gap award at the Trading Risk Awards 2023, a recognition of the organisation’s recently launched Outbreaks and Epidemics insurance product’s innovativeness and uniqueness. Specifically, this award celebrates reinsurance or ILS transactions that insure risk that was previously uninsured or not highly insured and highlighted this transaction as one that will ensure the risk will be well covered

Le Gouvernement de la République de Madagascar et le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM) reçoivent des indemnités d’assurance à hauteur de 1,5 million USD pour les efforts de redressement après le passage du cyclone Freddy

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De gauche à droiteM. Ramilison Janset, Ministre de l'Agriculture et de l'Elevage; S.E.M. David Ashley, Ambassadeur du Royaume-Uni à Madagascar; Mme Gloria Womitso, Actuaire en charge de la souscription chez ARC Ltd; M. Ada Amoumoun, Directeur Pays de la BAD ; Ibrahima Cheikh Diong, Sous-Secrétaire général des Nations unies et Directeur général du Groupe ARC; M.

The Government of the Republic of Madagascar and World Food Programme receive $1.5 million insurance payout for Tropical Cyclone Freddy recovery efforts

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From left to right: M. Ramilison  Janset, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock; H.E. Mr. David Ashley, UK Ambassador to Madagascar; Ms. Gloria Womitso, Actuary & Senior Technical Underwriting Analyst at ARC Ltd; Mr.

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