La Société d’assurance de la Mutuelle panafricaine de gestion des risques nomme 2 professionnels de classe mondiale en tant que directeurs non-exécutifs

Posted on: By: arcuser

Johannesburg, le 27 août 2020 - Le comité de pilotage de la gouvernance de la Société d’assurance de la Mutuelle panafricaine de gestion des risques (ARC Ltd) a nommé deux nouveaux directeurs non-exécutifs, Mme Sarata Kone-Thiam et Mme Ladé A. Araba, qui rejoindront son Comité de direction, portant ainsi au complet l’équipe du Conseil formée de sept membres conformément à la structure en place.

Gender and DRM webinar training for Southern and Eastern Countries

Posted on: By: arcuser

The webinar training on Gender and DRM took place on 25 August with 28 participants (12 men and 16 women) from 8 Southern and Eastern countries.  This training forms part of the implementation of the ARC´s Gender Strategy and has contributed to equipping participants to develop gender action plans for Member states in line with the principles of ARC’s Gender Strategy.

ARC all staff webinar gender training

Posted on: By: arcuser

All ARC staff Annual Gender Webinar training sessions on ‘Accelerating Progress on Gender and Disaster Risk Management’, were held on 4, 5 and 6 August 2020, with the participation of all ARC staff from the different units and departments, as a crucial step in the roll-out of ARC’s Gender Strategy. The webinar sessions were facilitated by Integrated Risk Management Associates and have included live presentations by Gender and DRM Specialists and discussions between trainers and participants.


Posted on: By: arcuser

Johannesburg, July 13, 2020 - The African Risk Capacity Insurance Limited (ARC Ltd) has appointed Dr Jennifer Blanke to its Board of Directors.

Dr Blanke was, until recently, the Vice-President for Agriculture, Human and Social Development of the African Development Bank Group, based in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, where she was responsible for overseeing the strategy, lending and programming for a significant share of the Bank’s activities.

Government of Zimbabwe Receives $1, 755, 890 from ARC Ins. Ltd to Combat Drought Risk Amidst COVID19 Pandemic

Posted on: By: arcuser

Johannesburg, July 8, 2020. The African Risk Capacity Insurance Company Limited (ARC Ltd) today made payouts of USD 1.4 million to the Government of Zimbabwe and another US$ 290,288 to UN World Food Programme (WFP), in parametric drought risk insurance payouts to support the extensive drought response efforts in Zimbabwe.

Madagascar receives USD 2.13 million from African Risk Capacity Insurance Company Limited Policy for Drought Response

Posted on: By: arcuser

Johannesburg, South Africa, 03 July 2020 - The Government of Madagascar received on July 2nd  a symbolic cheque in the amount of USD 2,13 million from the African Risk Capacity Insurance Company Limited (ARC Ltd) to cover anticipated losses to livelihoods of its vulnerable population from the crop failure in the just concluded farming season.

Madagascar reçoit 2,13 millions de dollars de la Société d’assurance de la Mutuelle panafricaine de gestion des risques pour la couverture des risques liés à la sécheresse

Posted on: By: arcuser

Johannesburg, Afrique du sud, le 3 juillet 2020 - Le gouvernement de Madagascar a reçu, le 2 juillet à Antananarivo, un chèque symbolique de 2,13 millions de dollars américains de la Société d’assurance de la Mutuelle panafricaine de gestion des risques (ARC Ltd) pour couvrir la perte des moyens de subsistance de sa population causée par les catastrophes climatiques.

Programme d’urgence COVID-19 : le BMZ assure les pays africains contre la sécheresse

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En réaction à la crise sanitaire due au COVID-19, le gouvernement allemand prend en charge le paiement de primes représentant un montant d’environ 19 millions d’euros pour l’assurance sécheresse de l’African Risk Capacity (ARC). Jusqu’à 20 millions de personnes pauvres et particulièrement touchées par les crises, en Afrique, seront ainsi protégées de manière fiable contre la sécheresse au cours de la prochaine saison agricole.

Federal Republic of Germany helps African countries maintain drought insurance in view of COVID-19

Posted on: By: arcuser

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the German government assumes premium payments of around EUR 19 million for the drought insurance offered by the African Risk Capacity (ARC). This will reliably protect up to 20 million poor and vulnerable people in Africa against drought in the coming agricultural season and mitigate the risk of a compound crisis.

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