African Risk Capacity (ARC) and UN Women join forces to Integrate Gender into Disaster Risk Management
JOINT AU / UN Women / ARC Press Release
African Risk Capacity (ARC) and UN Women join forces to Integrate Gender into Disaster Risk Management
African Risk Capacity (ARC) et ONU Femmes unissent leurs forces
Communiqué de presse conjoint UA/ONU Femmes/ARC
African Risk Capacity (ARC) et ONU Femmes unissent leurs forces pour veiller à ce que les risques de catastrophe soient gérés en tenant compte de la dimension de genre.
Institut Pasteur de Dakar (IP Dakar) signent un accord de partenariat
Le Groupe de la Mutuelle Panafricaine de Gestion des Risques (ARC) et la Fondation Institut Pasteur de Dakar (IP Dakar) signent un accord de partenariat pour soutenir les capacités régionales de surveillance épidémiologique et de réponse aux épidémies.
Institut Pasteur Dakar and ARC Group Sign A Partnership to Promote Anticipatory Response to Epidemics
Dr Amadou Alpha Sall, the Managing Director of IP Dakar and UN-ASG Ibrahima Cheikh Diong, Director-General of the ARC Group exchanging copies of the signed MOU at the Institut Pasteur Dakar Headquarters in Senegal earlier today.
African Risk Capacity (ARC) Group and Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) partner to promote Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Finance
L-R: Prof. Patrick Verkooijen, CEO of GCA, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the co-Chair of GCA, and UN-ASG Ibrahima Cheikh Diong, Director-General of the ARC Group, at the signing of the MoU during the Friends of GCA High-Level Dialogue, in Rotterdam, Netherlands.