La Société d’assurance de la Mutuelle panafricaine de gestion des risques versera un minimum de 22 millions de dollars US au Gouvernement de la République du Sénégal

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«La vision de l’Union africaine en établissant l’ARC était de présenter une proposition de valeur puissante qui aidera les États membres à mieux comprendre leurs profils de risque de catastrophe, à accéder à des outils d'alerte précoce viables et à élaborer un plan de préparation visant à protéger les moyens de subsistance de leurs populations vulnérables des catastrophes naturelles prévisibles. Le Gouvernement Sénégalais est un exemple en matière de gestion des risques de catastrophe et participe au pool d’assurance de l’ARC depuis 2014. Cela rejoint l’es

Government of Senegal to Receive a minimum of US$22m from the African Risk Capacity Insurance Company Limited for Drought

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“The vision of African Union in establishing ARC was to present a powerful value proposition that will help Member States better understand their disaster risk profiles, access viable early warning tools, and develop a preparedness plan for protecting livelihoods of their vulnerable population from predictable natural disasters.

Signature d’un accord de partenariat entre la Mutuelle panafricaine de gestion des risques et le Centre africain de prévention et de contrôle des maladies en vue du renforcement de la préparation aux épidémies

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Mohamed Beavogui, SSG et Directeur général de l’Institution de la Mutuelle panafricaine de gestion des risques (à droite) et Dr John Nkengasong, Directeur du Centre africain pour le contrôle des maladies (à gauche) à l’occasion de la signature de l'accord de partenariat lors de la TICAD7 en cours à Yokohama, au Japon

African Risk Capacity and Africa CDC Sign Partnership Agreement to Strengthen Disease Outbreak Preparedness

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ASG Mohamed Beavogui, Director-General, African Risk Capacity (Right) and Dr John Nkengasong, Director, Africa Centre for Disease Control (Left) at the signing of the Partnership Agreement during the ongoing TICAD7 in Yokohama, Japan.

High Level Policy Dialogue on Innovative Financial Instruments for Natural Disaster Risk and Health Outbreaks Management

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30 August 2019 - Please join us on the occasion of the High-Level Policy Dialogue on Innovative Financial Instruments for Natural Disaster Risk and Health Outbreaks Management, at the Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 7)

United Nations, IFC, African Risk Capacity, and AAISA Work Towards Creating Disaster Risk Insurance Markets in Africa

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Dakar, Senegal, June 24, 2019— A consortium of international development agencies including the United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP), the African Risk Capacity (ARC), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Association of African Insurance Supervisors (AAISA), today opened a two-week training event on index and disaster risk insurance.

World Food Programme and African Risk Capacity Extend Administrative Service Agreement Till 2024

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Friday, May 24, 2019

World Food Programme and African Risk Capacity Extends Administrative Service Agreement Till 2024.

“The provision of support by the WFP through the Agreement has been very critical to our success, and we hope that within the next 5-year period of its operation, ARC would have grown into a fully independent institution.” – Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.

Moçambique Assina um Memorando de Entendimento com a Capacidade Africana de Risco para Fazer Face aos Episódios Recorrentes de Secas, Inundações e Ciclones Tropicais

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“Embora os seguros não cubram todos os riscos associados a um risco em cada país, a abordagem da ARC permite que os riscos sejam geridos de uma forma que multiplique os benefícios dos recursos limitados disponíveis para o Governo”. – Mohamed Beavogui


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The African Risk Capacity Group (Specialised Agency of the African Union and ARC Ltd) is deeply concerned over the loss of lives, economic livelihoods and extensive displacement of thousands of people in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe resulting from the impacts of floods and tropical cyclone IDAI.

The Governments of Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe are founding members of the ARC family, having signed the ARC Establishment Treaty in 2012

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