Accueil > Base de connaissances > Glossaire
- ADRiFi : Africa Disaster Risks Financing
- AMMA : African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis
- ARC : African Risk Capacity (ARC Agency and its affiliates)
- ARC Ltd : African Risk Capacity Insurance Company
- ARSDRR : Africa Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction
- ARV : African Risk Review
- CP : Contigency Plan
- CPA : Civil Protection Act
- CSP : Country Strategic Paper
- CRC : Customisation Review Committee
- DHS : Demographic and Health Surveys
- DRM : Disaster Risk Management
- DRM&F : Disaster Risk Management & Financing
- DRR : Disaster Risk Reduction
- EDPM :
- GDRMP : Gender and Disaster Risk Management Platform
- GDRM ThinkTank : Gender and Disaster Risk Management ThinkTank
- HIV/AIDS : HHuman Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency System
- MICS : Mltiple Indicator Cluster Surveys
- NDMA : National Drought Management Authority
- NDS : National Development Strategy
- O&E : Outbreaks and Epidemics
- PRM : Peer Review Mechanism
- PTC : Policy and Technical Support
- R&D : Research and Development
- RTP : Risk Transfer Parameters
- TAC : Technical Advisory Committee
- ToT : Training of Trainers
- UAA : Useful Agricultural Area
- WRI : World Risk Index
- XCF : Extreme Climate Facility